1312 Blogs

Blog of 1312 Blogs

For better privacy, your newly created blogs are unlisted by default, that is they are not visible in the Reader. One need to know/find elsewhere the URL of the blog to read it.

To change this default setting, click on the Customize button to change the Publicity setting for your blog. You may want to activate Email subscriptions and look at the other customization options while your are at it.


The choice of Writefreely over, say, WordPress, was done for two main reasons:

  • Writefreely is very lightweight and can run on minimal hardware (eg. a Raspberry Pi), lowering our participation to the mostly neo-colonial, anti-ecologicial tech industry.
  • Writefreely can interoperate with the main open communications systems: free web (no tracking or forced registration), RSS readers, Emails and ActivityPub.

And while WriteFreely is very lightweight it still allows users to customize their blogs with CSS.

Finally, the very lean, distraction-free editor is much appreciated when writing posts. Though it helps to memorize the markdown syntax first.

For more technical details about how this server was setup, please look at our system admin's blog


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